Sunday, 29 July 2012

My new peices

My work this week....

I have been busy working on two new pieces for my website.
I have wanted to make a Star Tiara for a while and I think I will actually wear it out at some point this summer, as it does look really nice.
I am really pleased with how my Butterfly Hair Pin is coming along. It still needs to be given a satin finish, but I think that it will look real beautiful in the back on a chignon hairstyle. This will be the first of many as I have several lovely butterfly shapes in my head that I know will translate wonderfully into silver.

Bel x

Friday, 20 July 2012

Create your own little bit of Summer.....

From left to right ---- Clambake, Movers&Shakers, True Love, Swept Off My Feet.


I have been attempting ignore the fact that summer has not YET arrived and that Elle and Vogue are showing winter fashion in their Aug issue.
Summer will come and in the meantime my nails will give me some brightness.
I absolutely love ESSIE nail varnishes, for their colour range, their consistency and the brush shape. I used to buy mine in Liberty's (£9.95), treating myself every time I was in London.
Recently however, they are being stocked in Boots (£7.95) and I have also started to find them in packs of 3 matching colours in my local TK Maxx (£9.95 for 3!).
If you haven't tried the brand, then I would definitely recommend it. 
I also keep all my nail varnishes in the bottom holder in the door of my fridge and this way they don't get warm and gloopy!

Bel x 

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Come on ....wear a scarf it will always look chic.

There is just a small sample of my scarf collection.

I love the colours, the silk and the fact that you can make a plain black outfit look wonderfully Jackie O chic, just by adding a head scarf.
They are also really cheap to buy either from the high street, M&S or Zara or from retro shops or markets. 
If you fancy starting a collection, have a look on line at ASOS or if retro is what you want then Rokit is a great place to start.
I also have great charity shop in my area and good old fashioned Scott Jumble Sales, that are another amazing source of all things retro.
Wear your scarf with pride!
Bel x

Sunday, 15 July 2012

My Rose obsession continue's......

The rain has finally subsided long enough for me to take advantage of all my beautiful roses and take some pictures of my latest Tiara designs.
 It's so lovely to be able to go out an d cut my own flowers and no matter what space you you, there will be a rose to fit be it patio, window box or balcony.
I have many shades of pink and peach in my collection. All are repeating, so when I cut the dying flowers more will grow and I always choose varieties that are scented. Apart from pruning them back in Jan/Feb, I leave them alone to do their thing and every year I am still amazed by how beautiful they are.

Bel x

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Super Cool.....Face Lace

For those of you who haven't already seen or read about Face Lace, it's time you knew.

This ingenious and rather beauty idea has been thought up by renowned Make Up artist Phyllis Cohen, who's worked in the industry for many years, creating amazing looks for David Bowie and the The Rolling Stones amongst  others.
Have a look on the site as there are many designs to choose from and be the person that wow's everyone.
I don't have any photo's of the set I've worn Mini Fleurty, but they were easy to apply and more importantly remove and I will definitely take some pictures the next time I am out and about all laced up.
You can apply them over eye shadow for  dramatic effect, but those who can't be bothered or hate to look like a mess at the end of  an evening these will look as amazing as they did when you stepped through the door!

Go on, treat yourself........

Bel x

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Hi there.....

I seem to still be preoccupied with all things floral, I'm not sure if it is the abysmal weather or if the rain just makes the flowers more beautiful?

I have dreams that my garden will be an oasis of colour, but it's very difficult to garden when the rain is torrential.

The lovely pink hue's of the bouquet of roses below caught my eye from some magazine clips I had kept from months ago. I am sorry that I didn't mark down where they came from, especially as I would love to grow a rose variety in this particular shade.

I hope the rain stops soon.....

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Colour...Beautiful Blush

In my garden at the moment I am lucky enough to be surrounded by beautiful roses that are all in bloom despite the appalling rain. I have planted most of them in the last 4 years, all from David Austin.
I tend to go for repeating varieties, that flower from the end of May right through to the beginning of October and luckily many of these have really lovely perfumes, like Gentle Hermione.

I have also been looking through Etsy this week and have come across Blush Fashion, who make a lovely style of drape dress, that would be perfect for any bridesmaid or to add some glamour. I just can't decide what  colour to go for?

I hope the rain stops soon .....
Bel x

David Austin Roses
Blush Fashion

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Hello, Hello......
Now I know that this blog is meant to be skewed towards all things wedding/beautiful, but I am going to argue that the pieces made by Stella Bleu Designs fall into the beautiful category.

Well done to KKatz for making such lovely pieces.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Dame poutylips herself, Miss Keira Knightley, looking actually rather lovely!

Why is it that when we think of Brides, we think of white or better still off white (because those gowns that look like they've been 'Dazed' are truly terrible). But why is wearing colour such a weird idea?
It didn't used to be, Queen Victoria is to blame for the white, Jane Austen's heroines would have thought this terribly plain, colour was the thing in her day.

How about this lovely shade of blue....